How to Craft Perfect Test Cases for Banking Application?

Banking Application Testing
How to Craft Perfect Test Cases for Banking Application?
  • KiwiQAKiwiQA
  • August 24, 2023
  • Tags:Mobile Application Testing

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With the growing number of advanced technologies, financial tech is facing many challenges. According to statistics, the global fintech market is anticipated to expand at an annual rate of 27.5% between the years 2021 and 2026. Testing in financial tech ensures an ideal customer experience, safe processing of financial transactions, and efficient functioning. A thorough testing process allows organizations to offer reliable, user-friendly, and safe financial applications that meet the goals and demands of their customers.

There are different test scenarios for banking applications to ensure the application’s compliance, functionality and security. Techniques for creating test cases offer a more organized method of testing, leading to thorough test coverage and enhanced software. The need to understand how to write test cases for banking domain and different types of test cases enables developers to accomplish high performance. Now, let’s look at the test cases and how to create a perfect one for banking applications.

How To Write Test Cases For Banking Applications?

The increasing usage of microservices, along with other multi-layer interfaces, has made testing financial apps more challenging. The following types of test cases for banking application and checking should be properly prepared since a banking and financial application interface with many regulatory or supplemental apps like payment platforms, traders, and account holders. You are bound to address numerous important categories of test cases in quality assurance when it comes to banking and financial apps.

Testing an application in the banking area involves a number of steps, requires careful planning, and also necessitates that users have an in-depth knowledge of the system.

1. Analysis of Requirements

The business analysts compile and examine all the documentation about the requirements in this section. With the assistance of a reliable bank representative, they formulate a thorough work plan. Every requirement is outlined in writing and then integrated into operational requirements or use cases. Usually, requirements are broken down into modules.

2. Requirements Review

To guarantee reliability, the business analysts, project manager, and team leader then examine the requirements. These participants examine the specifications from a commercial and technical perspective. The Business Analyst will then use the outline provided to create the final document.

3. Prepare for the Test Plan

In this case, the testers carefully review the business requirements and create a plan for testing. Additionally, testing arrangements will be done and addressed to the technical lead. Testers begin creating test cases, and because the test suite will likely be lengthy, automation planning is also necessary.

4. Creating Test Cases

In this section, the developers start developing manual test cases for banking application. The test suite must be comprehensive and give adequate coverage, and automated testing must be a crucial step in the testing process. Both competent manual teams with sufficient knowledge and resources who can write automation scripts must be recruited.

5. Database Testing

The accuracy, reliability, and speed of the application’s data loading need to be examined. To execute database testing, it’s necessary to have a thorough understanding of database operations. The developers also need to be knowledgeable about operations, indexes, codes, and excellent, practical SQL.

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6. Unit and Integration Testing

The working ability of each item must first be tested separately. The next step is to combine these elements and examine their interrelationships. The system must be tested for its overall functionality.

7. Functional Testing

The functional testing is executed on the primary user workflow to monitor the issues and other errors or bugs. It is important to make sure that all internal and external actions that are a part of the banking application are properly produced, integrated, modified, and deleted.

8. Security Testing

The most important phase in the banking application security testing is making sure that the client data and information are private, hidden, and secured from theft. It requires performing testing for vulnerabilities, security scans, penetration tests, risk analysis, and other tasks.

9. Performance Testing

When a consumer is doing a financial transaction, it might be problematic if the banking application fails. Therefore, during performance testing, it is necessary to determine the test cases on banking application such that it operates correctly and offers clients a smooth service. In this section, the banking application undergoes thorough testing to evaluate how it responds to stressful situations and heavy loads.

10. Usability Testing

At this point, it is important to make sure that the Bank application is simple to use. Applications used internally by bankers must be simple. Similar to how clients from different cultures would utilise the external apps. Make sure the developer has created an application that is simple to comprehend and navigate by concentrating on the user interface.

11. Compliance Testing

In this case, compliance testing must be done while keeping in mind the banking rules and regulations. Typically, banks have to deal with a number of complex regulations related to banking applications. These regulations guarantee that the bank submits the application accurately, and if any mistakes are discovered, the bank may be required to pay a substantial fine, which could even result in a loss of revenue and credibility.

12. Compatibility Testing

For the compatibility of mobile testing services, it is important to ensure the application functions without any issues on smartphones and other mobile devices with various screen sizes. These devices, which may have different operating systems, screen resolutions, numerous browsers, and additional hardware/software combinations, may be used by customers for using the application or websites. Therefore, it is essential to note the sample test cases for banking and analyze for the application to operate both internally as well as externally effectively.

Banking Application Modules and Corresponding Test Cases

There are different sample test cases for banking applications, including the admin, for new branches, new roles, for customers and more.

1. User Registration and Login

One of the main and initial test cases for banking application in software testing is to check the user registration and login credentials. Verify that new accounts are appropriately established with valid data and boundary conditions for inputs. If the accounts are generated with invalid information, functional testing needs to be performed to find out how the application responds. It is also important to test to see whether the password specifications are strong enough and recovery functions. The application must include a restoration method in the event that users forget to provide the information for one or both of the necessary fields.

2. Account Overview

The second step is to check the overall functionality of the account. It is important to test the app from both the user’s and the admin’s perspective. The app must display correct account balances and recent transactions. Further, it should also show whether balance updates follow withdrawal or crediting; routine payments are recorded and carried out at a certain time.

Additionally, from the admin’s perspective, the application needs to be tested in all of its features, including if bulk messages can be delivered and analyzed and whether app inquiries are properly handled. This necessitates executing integration testing. Further, data consistency is necessary; therefore, check to see if the administrator has access to verify and change employee login status.

3. Fund Transfer

The fund transfer mainly involves between own accounts, transfers to others within the same bank and interbank transfers. Various test cases for mobile banking application testing can be done, such as when the Internet is down, you should check the transaction’s performance. Check to see whether any notifications, such as calls, additional emails or SMSs, have an impact on the transaction. Verify the user’s ability to transfer money across other accounts.

If the programme is being used concurrently by several users, analyze the database performance. Manual test cases for banking application can be done to check to see if the recipient’s name, bank name, IFSC code, fund amount, and transaction purpose are requested on the fund transfer page. Verify whether the interbank cash transfer occurs immediately. Testing is required to differentiate between transactions that were successful and failed.

4. Bill Payments & Standing Instructions

Mobile banking apps often offer bill payment as a standard service. Users may quickly and simply pay any bill with only a few tapings. Additionally, test cases for mobile banking application involve setting up an automated bill payment function to prevent missed payments. Shortcuts on the main screen help in easy access to the required payments, while tracking the payment history helps in better balancing and controlling spending habits.

Alerts for any events that take place on a bank account, such as income and spending notifications, reminders for upcoming payments, etc., must also be included. Further, setting up one-time and recurring payments to be made for regularly utilized offerings, loans, and mortgages.

5. Loan Applications & Management

Customers desire a smooth transaction while using the bank application. Financial cases involve loan applications and management. Therefore, it is necessary to have test cases for bank loan application to check to see if the user has access to loan-related papers, like loan repayment schedules and loan statements, for tracking application status and loan repayments. It could advise clients on the best places to invest their money, how to apply for different types of loans that are the most beneficial given their income, and more.

6. Foreign Exchange & International Transactions

The banking module for foreign exchange and international transactions is an important aspect of the banking sector, which includes buying and selling currency, as well as borrowing money, extending credit, and accepting or supplying currency in any form. Therefore, it is necessary to check the real-time conversion rates, transaction fees and processing times.

Security-Centric Test Cases

The quality assurance team verifies that the application follows security rules and regulations throughout testing for security. This stage should be prioritized when developing test scenarios for financial apps. When private information becomes available on the client side, verify that the data is encrypted. Verify that the session timeouts are at the anticipated time and obtains suspicious activity alerts. Verify that the application includes the necessary facilities and authentication multi-factor authentication processes in place.

Navigational and User Experience (UX) Test Cases

Users want to utilize the software on a variety of mobile devices and count on it to function flawlessly everywhere. Verify that the user interface’s navigation is simple to use and flexible and has a smooth workflow from one module to another. To ensure that all visual components are consistent while developing navigation and user experience test cases for banking application in software testing, you should examine the font size and colour pattern. They also rely on data synchronization while logging in from several devices. Therefore, it is necessary to check the responsiveness of the application across devices. If an incorrect login or password is provided, error messages and clarity shall be displayed.

Also Read : How Can A Tester Coordinate Manual And Automated Testing?

Transactional Integrity Test Cases

A business owner can be confident that consumers can freely carry out transactions and monitor the current situation of their payments or their account balance by conducting testing. The transactional integrity test case checks the application’s integrity in handling simultaneous transactions. A further significant challenge is to test the app transaction rollbacks in case of failures.

Regulatory & Compliance Test Cases

The role of regulatory and compliance test case adheres to a variety of privacy policies and data protection standards, rules, and regulations based on the region of their intended customer base. Banking applications must undergo compliance test cases on banking application since breaking local and international banking regulations can result in severe fines and the closing of the business. Therefore, KYC should be considered when performing functional, security, and compliance tests.

Future-Proof Your Finance: Dive into Banking App Testing Now

Banking apps are in high demand, especially in developing nations, because individuals increasingly choose the convenience of online services over visiting a physical location. Additionally, in today’s fast-paced world, customers will favors quick online purchases for whatever products or services they are buying. Therefore, it is essential to properly evaluate these applications due to their sensitive and complicated nature.

There are several stages to the testing of a banking application, as stated in the sections above. You could experience difficulty how to write test cases for banking domain​ due to the unique deployment setting, their shortage of compliance expertise, and the complicated nature of the test cases. Selecting the appropriate and professional banking app testing team for testing applications entails resolving all the potential issues and offers an effective banking application.

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