Superlative Gaming

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Smart Gaming for a smarter future

Superlative Gaming is creating an ecosystem that will assist current and future gamers in shattering the myth that playing video games is merely another pastime. Our approach to skill-based gaming allows holistic growth, both as a player and as an individual, for everyone from professional poker players to the upcoming chess grandmaster.

Suprlative Gaming
  • Name: Superlative Gaming
  • Domain: Digital Gaming Technology
  • Product Name: PokerNxt
  • Users: Online Gamers

Taking a step-by-step approach to addressing issues Problem brief to be resolved

QA Case Study
  • SG wants to ensure that the APIs developed for PokerNxt perform well when accessed by a large number of users through mobile applications.
  • SG is concerned about the response time of the APIs and wants to ensure that they can withstand a load of 500 concurrent users.
  • SG has commissioned KiwiQA to perform performance tests on the APIs.

Accomplishing the intended results

  • The testing exercise was conducted in two rounds, with the first round testing the application on the existing environment and the second round testing the application after identified issues were fixed and other changes were implemented.
  • The tests were performed on a production replica environment using the K-SPARC performance testing framework.
  • Performance test assets were created using JMeter 5.3 for 51 APIs (9 for the GameArea module and 42 for the PlayerArea module) of PokerNxt.
  • Baseline tests were conducted for the API modules at different load levels using Redline 13, with infrastructure monitoring using NewRelic APM.
  • The test results were analyzed for performance issues and benchmarked for a load of 500 virtual users.

What we achieved

  • With settings changed on both Application and Database server, Round-Robin load balancing for Application Server and cloud instance on the Database Server Changed, though the number of errors reduced the response time of all the APIs along with server metrics were same as observed in Cycle1
  • APIs interaction with 3rd parties were rectified, SQL Queries were fine tuned, issues with deployments fixed along with architectural changes by segregating GameEngine APIs and PlayerArea APIs with proper percentage mix between GameEngine APIs and PlayerArea incorporated. Tests were executed, Response time less than a second for all APIs were observed with 3% and 35% CPU utilization observed on Application and Database Servers.

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